Anti-Bullying Policy

ACT does not tolerate any form of bullying or cyberbullying. We also do not tolerate retaliation against any person who reports bullying or cyberbullying, or who in good faith provides information during an investigation of bullying.

In addition, bullying, cyberbullying and retaliation at a location, activity, function, or program that is not school-related, or through the use of technology or an electronic device that is not owned, leased, or used by ACT, are prohibited if that conduct creates a hostile environment for a targeted student, infringes on the rights of a student at rehearsals/performances, or materially and substantially disrupts the ACT educational process.

Massachusetts law, M.G.L. Chpt. 71 sec. 37O governs the prohibition of bullying and the adoption of bullying prevention and intervention plans in schools in the Commonwealth.  Although the law does not directly apply to ACT as a non-profit organization, we nonetheless use these definitions as helpful guidelines for our own organization.

We ask all members of the ACT community to report any allegations of bullying to staff and/or the Board.